Thursday 3 September 2015

Drug Hurricane Crippling Punjab

 “What is that noise?” I asked panicked. The neighbours are arguing, supplied my Dad, probably the son is again manhandling his parents. Driven by pure shock and curiosity, I asked why that is so. Mom said its everyday story in their house, their son is a DRUG ADDICT. I was dumbfounded to hear that, the jovial boy I used to know and sometimes even help him with the studies is an addict! But how? He was so full of life, so peppy, always smiling, greeting and helping everyone. But now, he is entitled with such a curse of being a drug addict.

Well sadly, that is alike the story in most of the houses in various parts of Punjab. The entire Punjab is under the “Hurricane of Drugs”, especially, Amritsar, Jalandhar, Bathinda, Patiala. Maqboolpura, a village about 2 kms from the centre of Amritsar has notoriously been termed as “Village of Widows and Orphans”. Drugs are leaving the vibrancy of Punjab only a virtual myth. Over 73% of the youth has now succumbed to the menace of drugs. Punjab is at the verge of losing an entire generation to the drugs. Studies have proven that the youth doing drugs is suffering from infertility as well. So that definitely poses a threat to the generations yet to come.

       The various types of drugs that are being abused, overall, include Heroin, Bhukki, Opium, Morphine, Smack, Synthetic drugs (methamphetamine). Those who cannot afford expensive drugs like Heroin, found the cheaper substitutes like some synthetic drugs, Iodex, Nicotine (found in toothpastes), Petrol. Even alcohol consumption has increased exceedingly. According to the reports, over 29 crore alcohol bottles have been sold in 2014.

Mulling over the possible causes of the drug addiction leads one to very common reasons that could be surfaced. Easy availability of drugs is holding the main stance. You name it and you get it, no matter how expensive the drug is. Teenagers begin experimenting with substances out of sheer curiosity, when in the company of some spoilt ones. Another prime causes are unemployment and downfall in agriculture. Youth is spending a lot of time and resources but could not get expected and worthy jobs making them feel null. Thus, unemployment vs the culture of aspirations drives them directly to the dark and dangerous path of drugs.

Narrowing down of family sizes makes children and even the adults, frustrated and insecure and they are drawn towards the things giving them solace in their loneliness, drugs being one such thing. Youth instead of dauntlessly confronting and fighting the challenges ahead of them, try to disregard them and indulge themselves in the activities that help them do so. Consuming alcohol is more of a tradition now. “If you are meeting someone after sunset or after a long time span, you are meeting them over a drink”, is customary and a welcoming gesture these days.

To begin with the effects of the drugs, their focal target is a person’s very will-power. Besides it, one’s morale, physique and character go to rack and ruins. The addict person usually becomes violent and may cause physical harm to the family and friends. They are the cause of emotional turmoil to their own flesh and blood. They could often steal money off the family and beg on streets to procure their daily dose of deadly drugs. Owing to devastated will power, they are unable to exercise control over themselves and restraint them from taking the drugs. They often live in denial about their situation. The entire society has been vandalised due to drug addiction. Crime rates have increased many folds in last few years. Thefts, murders, rapes, chicanery are at heights. Drug peril leaves entire society in sixes and sevens.

This whole crisis brings us to a very crucial question.  Are we really willing to lose this battle and the hope to get out of this trap? Is this the battle too deep and too bloody to win? Are we not going to do anything to assassinate this devil of the prevailing threat to our very existence.

Answer to this is a firm YES! But ofcourse we are going to fight it. To actually surmount this crisis, this has to be made a social cause. Depending only upon the government and the implementation of some regulations will not be fruitful enough. The entire society has to act unanimously.

Education is the most effective weapon that has the power to alter any society from ruins to prosperity.  Drug awareness programs, job opportunities, educating the people regarding the effects of narcotic drugs may create the prosperous future of the nations. Children should be made aware about their rights and strategies to escape being victimized. The education system should be such that it can meet the challenges of a fast-developing world. Educationists, teachers, parents should be guided to inculcate strongest of the moral values in their children. Youth should be encouraged and trained to opt various vocational jobs for self sustenance.

More de addiction centers which are officially approved and well equipped should be set up overall the Punjab state. Currently, the state is dealing with an acute shortage of de-addiction and rehabilitation centers to tackle a millions of drug addicts. Even those functioning, are in pits. More than 40% such centres are illegal where the patients are dealt upon with insensitive treatment, forced imprisonment and even death. These are stooped to the status of merely money making outfits.

According to the de addiction experts, family is the biggest pillar of strength for an addict. 100% cure owes to 100% family support. Thus, the family of a drug addict, instead of, cursing and leaving him in lurches, should encourage and will him to fight this demon and stand strong with him against all the odds.

Thus, each and every individual has to be made to realize and fathom that doing drugs will only ruin one’s life completely and it is not worth anything. Eventually, one will die an excruciatingly painful and premature death.

Although, this battle against the drugs is indeed gruelling but we will definitely come out with the flying colours. Since Punjabis do inherit the ability to bounce back with pride and valour after every affliction that has befallen upon them in the past, be it during Green Revolution in 1960s-70s or Militancy in 1980s and they will certainly continue to do so in years and years to come. AMEN.

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