Monday 24 August 2015



The first virus discovered was “Tobacco Mosaic Virus” at the end of 19th century through the complementary efforts of three scientists. Adolf Meyer proposed a name “Tobacco Mosaic” to highly contagious disease of tobacco in Netherlands (Figure 1). He suggested that the causal agent could not be abacteria since it was not seen under microscope or to cultivate in vitro. Dimitri Ivanovsky carried out a decisive experiment in 1886 in Russia showing that “the mosaic disease retains its qualities even after filteration through Chamberland filteration candles”. As bacteria are retained by such filters, a new concept of filterable pathogens was born.

Figure 1.Mosaic Disease caused by virus (

Martinus Beijerinck in the Netherlands carried on the research work started by Meyer. He published a paper in 1898, he named the agent of the tobacco disease “virus”, and confirmed it to be filterable (“a soluble living germ”) and definitively different from bacteria. He also showed that the “virus” multiplies in young tobacco leaves and suggested a possible migration through the phloem.

Human infections today known as viral diseases were identified a very long time ago, as shown by records of poliomyelitis and chicken pox in ancient Egypt. In China, by the 17th century, variolation was developed to limit smallpox outbreaks. In the 19th century, vaccination against smallpox was extensively used. In his studies on rabies, Louis Pasteur named the agent “virus”, a term describing a poison or infectious matter. But the nature of the agent not understood completely different from bacteria. Following Beijerinck’s results on tobacco mosaic, filterable agents were recognized as responsible for foot and mouth disease of cattle in 1898 by E. Loeffler and P. Frosch, foe yellow fever by W. Reed and co-workers in 1901, and for poliomyelitis by K. Landsteiner and E. Popper in 1909.

Numerous viral diseases have been described since 1900, the viral nature of an infectious agent being assessed by its filterability. In plants, attention was first focussed upon the description of symptoms, host ranges and indicator plants, and transmission by mechanical means or by insects. Studies on viral structure and composition started in 1935 when W. Stanley published a paper in Nature showing that the viral particles of TMV could be obtained as a proteinaceous crystal that was still infectious. Later, Bawden and coworkers in 1936, showed that the TMV particle was a nucleoprotein containing a pentose nucleic acid and Kausche et al. in 1939, using electron microscope, could visualize for the first time the morphology of a virus particle, the rod shaped TMV (Figure 2).

Figure 2.TMV under electron microscope
( electron+microscope)

Viruses multiply in a widest possible range of organisms: in archaebacteria, bacteria, algae, fungi, plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. Viruses are responsible for more than half of the infectious diseases that infect humans (including influenza, smallpox, poliomyelitis, AIDS and some cancers). They cause some diseases which reduce yields of plants.


Viral particles are smaller by several orders of magnitude than the cells they infect. They are measured in nanometers and are invisible under microscope and observation under electron microscope shows particles of a wide variety of shapes sizes. They are surrounded by a protein capsid, which is an assemblage of elements organized in regular geometric forms (icosahedral, helical) and sometimes also a lipid membrane.

The viral genome: relatively a small amount of information

The analysis of elements constituting virus shows a very simple basic structures: a nucleic acid (DNA and RNA) surrounded by a protein shell (capsid), sometimes covered by an envelope. The quantity of the genetic information carried by the virus, estimated by the number of genes, is much lesser than that of the smallest of cells. Plant viruses generally encode for 4-12 proteins and the more complex animal viruses up to 250 proteins. To express the proteins viruses totally depend upon the host system of protein synthesis.

The support of information: DNA or RNA

While cellular organisms have double stranded genomes, viruses have both DNA and RNA genomes. Viruses are the only taxonomic group in which the genomes are present in such a great diversity of nature (DNA or RNA) and structure (single or double stranded, monopartite or multipartite). The viral genera are divided into various groups depending upon the nature of genome present.

Plant viruses are present in five of the following six groups:

1.     Single-stranded positive RNA: most plant viruses are found in this group. The genomic RNA is “positive” or messanger.
2.     Single-stranded negative RNA: the strand complementary to negative is the messanger.
3.     Double stranded RNA: the genome is made up of several molecules of ssRNA.
4.     Single stranded DNA: the genome is made up of several molecules of circular single- stranded  molecules.
5.     Double-stranded retroid DNA: the genome consists of double-stranded, circular DNA molecules and replication involves a reverse transcription step (Figure 3).

Figure 3.Classification of Viruses

Viruses are intracellular parasites

The viral particle has no metabolism of its own and is inert. To become active and multiply, the virus needs to penetrate a cell and metabolize the metabolic resources for its own replication. The energy it needs is provided by the cellular metabolites. The physicochemical properties of the viral particles and the characterstics of their relationship with a living cell together define a virus as an “integrated biological system” (Van Regenmortel and Fauquet, 2000). When virus has successfully entered the cell, it releases its genetic information. If the cell provides the requisite machinary, a cycle begins during which viral proteins and copies of genomes are produced. At the end of the cycle, many daughter particles are assembled from the pool of components, nucleic acids and capsid, as well as, viral proteins in some cases.

There are various stages in viral cycle and they often overlap:

1.     Penetration and decapsidation:  viruses penetrate through the infections, wounds present on the surface of plants and release their genome in cells.
2.     Translation: The viral message is translated by the cellular ribosomes, which synthesize structural and non-structural proteins. The proteins are involved in one or more functions like replication, movement and transmission.
3.     Replication: this is the process that ends in the multiplication of the incoming nucleic acid into many copies, it involves the formation of complementary chains. One or several viral proteins are necessary for the replication. They participate directly or indirectly in the replication. Because of the simplicity of their structure and their specific enzymes, which can escape certain regulations by host, viruses can multiply much faster than the cells that harbor them. They use the metabolism and the resources of the cell and rarely cause cell death. Their presence is often manifested in external symptoms like mosaics, yellowing, discoloring, rolling or stunting and as internal symptoms such as inclusions.
4.     Encapsidation: the components, nucleic acids and proteins are assembled spontaneously to form new particles. A viral particle cannot grow or divide.

From the first infected cell, the virus invades rest of the cells of the plant by using the intracellular communications that carry out physiological exchanges between the cells. The invasion does not occur without the reaction from the plant, which in each cell produces mechanisms to degrade the viral messanger. Sometimes, the plant detects the infection at a very early stage and manages to circumvent it. The plants sensitive to the virus make up for the host range of that virus.

Transmission of the viruses

In nature, most plant viruses are selected continuously for transmission by vectors. Viruses are strictly obligate parasites that, in order to multiply, must enter living cells. To perpetuate themselves, viruses contaminate other individuals derived from the infected plant or infect new individuals of the same species or other plant species, most important through intermediary of a vector.

Diagnosis of viral diseases

Viruses are difficult to diagnose and identify because of their diversity and number. The symptomology alone is insufficient: current methods are based on infectious, immunological, and genomic properties.

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